I wish I was worthy…

If your best friend was to say to you “I wish I was worthy of love”, how would you respond? Probably with disbelief: Why can’t they see themselves as you see them?

The greatest gift we can give our loved-ones is the ability to see themselves through our eyes. So take every opportunity to share the warmth you feel for others. If they make you smile, make sure they know it. If they make you feel safe, tell them so. If they brighten your world, reflect the light back onto them. Share the love.

Here is a little exercise for you: take a few minutes to write a list of your positive positive traits. Are you a good friend? funny? thoughtful? determined? focused? creative? athletic? honest?

If you are struggling to get started, write a list of the negative things you are NOT eg. I am NOT a cheat. I am NOT a backstabber. I am NOT lazy. I am NOT miserly… Now find the opposite to these characteristics: Loyal. Honest. Hard-working. Generous… look at that: Positive traits!!

Okay, go write all your positive traits on individual post-its and stick them around a mirror you check yourself in before you leave the house or your room. Every time you feel unworthy, go and stand in front of that mirror, framed by your wonderful and unique characteristics. Notice each phrase. See yourself as others see you. Be your own loved-one!

Now… go out and slay it! You are amazing!

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