Low self-esteem? 5 simple ways to boost your confidence.

Low self-esteem can impact every area of life: private, personal and professional.

  • “What if everyone else sees right through me?!”
  • “Who could ever truly love me? I can’t even love myself.”
  • “How will I ever get promoted when I am practically invisible?”
  • “Why can’t I just mingle, like everyone else does?”

Imagine how much easier life would be if you could just believe in yourself… Imagine what life might be like if you were not plagued with self-doubt… Imagine if you were your own biggest supporter…

These FIVE simple tips will help you to get yourself on track to being a more confident, assertive you!

  1. Start fresh! Start every day with a new intention: something specific, measurable, achievable and relevant. For example, “Today I shall smile and greet 5 total strangers.” This is quite specific; no doubt what it is you plan on doing. It is measurable: you can count them off on your fingers. It is absolutely achievable: you can count them off on the fingers OF ONE HAND. It is relevant to you: to increase your confidence, you must venture out of your comfort zone – greeting strangers is certainly doing that (baby steps!).
  2. Start changing your “self-talk”. Our thoughts become our reality. If you continuously tell yourself that you are not worthy, all too soon, you will begin to believe it. Flip the script! Repeat something positive to yourself every time you pass a mirror/window. Something like “I am kind and considerate”, or “I am a good listener.” Guess what…? Soon enough, you might even truly believe it!!
  3. Be positive! Maybe you’ve heard the saying “Money attracts money”? Well, positivity attracts positivity. If you notice something good about another person, tell them. If you appreciate the actions of another, thank them. If you enjoyed the time spent with a friend, let them know. If you put positivity out into the world, it will come back to you. You might be surprised when you hear how much you are appreciated and valued.
  4. Reframe! Get a notepad, marker and some sticky notes. Write a long list of the bad things you are NOT. Now, find their opposite and write the keyword on a sticky note in CAPITALS. For example: “I am not a liar” becomes “I am honest”, “I am not a gossip” becomes “I am trustworthy”, “I am weird” becomes “I am unique”. Write “HONEST”, “TRUSTWORTHY” and “UNIQUE” on sticky notes. Take the sticky notes to a mirror in your home that you use often, or see before you start your day. Place all the sticky notes around the frame of the mirror. Every morning before you start your day or leave home, stand in front of that mirror and read the sticky notes aloud: “I am honest. I am trustworthy. I am unique.” Do this every day, as many times a day as you like/want/need to.
  5. Opinions are not facts! Have you heard the saying “What others think of you is none of your business”? While it is very true, some people insist on sharing their thoughts about us, with us… and they are not always positive or even constructive. But their opinion is not necessarily fact: so if it is bothering you or making you doubt yourself, fact check using these two questions: Is there evidence that proves XYZ? Is there evidence contrary to XYZ (proving it to be false)? Be thorough and factual, without emotion clouding your judgement.
Check it off EVERY DAY!

So there you have it! 5 simple tips to boost your confidence. If you would like more tips and tricks to improve your wellbeing, subscribe to my blog and I’ll keep you in the loop:

If you would like some support and guidance, Sage Counsel is here to help

Now go smash it; YOU ARE AMAZING!!

Contact Sage Counsel: 086-8539718 sagecounsel@outlook.com