Tunnel Vision

If we expect to see that people are good, they will show us evidence of that. If we expect to see bad, we won’t be disappointed… but if we keep an open mind, people will show us their truth.

This concept can be turned back onto ourselves: if I have been taught that I am bad/stupid/ugly/useless, then I will believe it… If I believe it, I will see evidence to support it.

It can be a challenge to keep an open mind, when life naturally leads us to form so many opinions and judgements. The greatest gift we can give ourselves (and others) is a clean slate.

If you could benefit from some help seeing yourself, others or the world in a different light, Sage Counsel can help.

Contact Sage Counsel: 086-8539718 sagecounsel@outlook.com

Winds of Change…


September is a time of great change: The seasons are turning… the days are growing shorter… These seasonal changes pale in comparison to the new Covid-world we now find ourselves in. Uncertainty is rife… everywhere.

Smallies are starting preschool. Preschoolers are starting Big School. Teenagers are starting Secondary School. Young adults are moving up to 3rd level, or out into the Big Bad World. Once a big fish in their little pond, they are each now taking a step back in the pecking order… Once confident in their bubble, they may now feel insecure in this new territory.

Whether they themselves are finding the transition challenging, or whether parents are the ones struggling with these life stage changes…

The wobbly Bridge of Change straddles the two worlds of Past and Future. We were ok where we were, but couldn’t stay there forever… We’ll be ok on the far side, once our feet find solid ground. But this bridge: bloody hell, it can be terrifying and unsettling and overwhelming and nerve-wracking.

If you are struggling with change or putting off taking the first step on that wobbly bridge towards the future, do not despair: help is at hand. Sage Counsel can help you to cushion the transition; to build a safety net; to refocus on the wonders that can be found on the other side of that bridge.

Contact Sage Counsel: 086-8539718 sagecounsel@outlook.com