Tip 4: Spread Your Light

With World Mental Health Day approaching (October 10), I am publishing a series of tips to promote mental wellbeing in the individual.

Today’s focus is on the ability for one spark to start a fire. While we can read negatively into that image, let’s try not to; let’s look at the power of positivity instead.

One of my personal favourite concepts is the mantra that says “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle”. How true that is. Does the flame of the original candle diminish? Quite the opposite – the world becomes doubly bright. The two candles light two more and now it is 400% brighter than it was in the first place. And so on and so forth: the light growing exponentially as it goes. That is the ideal I would like to promote today.

You may be wondering how this would be of benefit to you personally? Imagine sitting in darkness, a single flame. It’s a solitary place to be; disconnected; lonely and it’s so hard to see… and there you pass another who is without light. You reach out and make a connection; however small, however brief. Now before you stands a flame – both of you warmed by the existence of the other. You part ways, as individuals do, connecting with others and sharing your light as you go. The world suddenly feels an awful lot less hostile, less cold, less dark, less lonely.

Imagine the alternative: there you are, a lonely flame, wandering around, seeing so many unlit candles but keeping your distance. Maybe assuming they have the power to light their own flame? Maybe unsure they want your light? Maybe worried they might steal your light from you? Your light is YOURS: it is ALWAYS within you, even if it is burning low or barely a flicker.

Imagine if YOU are the unlit candle, seeing a flame pass you by, wishing just a little of their light and warmth would spread to you… And then the flame approaches and shares its glow. There you now stand, two flames burning bright in a world that can be dark and cruel: a moment shared, a precious connection made. How can two people not be changed by such a transaction?

So I say to you: Go! Spread your light. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain.

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