Tip 8: Let It Go

On the home straight now: Day 8 of 10. World Mental Health Day is in two days time so let’s give the next couple of days a decent crack of the whip. Today I am reflecting on how it benefits us all to ‘make like Elsa’ and let it go.

We all have baggage: It’s a natural part of life. None of us gets out of here with just our carry-on. We have a very human tendency to continue lugging around baggage that no longer serves us, that maybe NEVER served us, or that isn’t ours at all.

Let’s imagine you’re going on holidays and your flying with a budget airline (mentioning no names!) and you have a very limited baggage allowance, for which you have paid quite a bit… What are you going to pack? A pair of jeans that haven’t fit you in 10years? A top that never suited you? Clothes for someone else, who has a baggage allowance of their own? Unlikely. And yet why do we look at life so differently? We lug around so many unnecessary, unhelpful things: guilt, shame, embarrassment, anxiety, stress, painful memories, harmful history. We carry burdens that belong in someone else’s backpack.

Now, what if inside your backpack, there was also a gold nugget, small but so valuable: a precious memory, joy, love, an important lesson… If you have to go fishing through a backpack overloaded with stuff you just don’t need to find this little gold nugget, you may well miss it or lose it completely.

What if, instead, you were to take the time to unpack your backpack: lay everything out in front of you so you can decide, as objectively as possible, what to discard, return or keep? This takes time and effort and can be difficult. But the result is a lighter backpack, containing only things that are helpful, essential and YOURS. And in it, located and safely repacked is the gold nugget. Maybe, while sorting through your backpack, you found more than one!

This is life. We hoard. And because of this, we live uncomfortably: overcrowded, overwhelmed, and unable to find what we really need and want. So maybe it is worth considering a good clearout? Travel light. Travel smart. Free yourself.

Counselling provides a safe space where you can unpack, without judgement. Where you can sort through the contents of your life with objective support: a second set of eyes to help you find your gold nuggets.

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