Calling All Men!!

This month is often referred to as Movember; with many men razor-dodging and growing wacky and wonderful facial hair. While it seems frivolous in nature, Movember is a hugely successful campaign to raise awareness around men’s health.
‘Men not seeking help’ is a widely accepted stereotype: not going to the doctor, not asking for directions, not reading instruction manuals, not giving voice to their worries… Stoically carrying on until they just can’t do it anymore.

If fact, there is still quite a bit of stigma surrounding men seeking help, in any form.
The Patriarchy can carry the burdens of the world, can it not??
No. No, it can’t. Nor should it.

In 2017, there were almost 400 suicides registered on our small island of Ireland, of which an overwhelming 80% were men.

Today is the first day of Movember, and the first day of the long, dark winter. The days may be dark, but the workings of your mind don’t have to be. I would like to invite men to reach out; to talk; to put down the generations-old expectations pressed upon them, and share the load.

If your health is your wealth, then your mental health is valuable beyond measure. Great courage is required to take that first step: whether it’s opening up to a trusted friend, or family member, your GP or mental health professional. But that conversation can be an absolute game-changer.

Contact Sage Counsel: 086-8539718