Step 1: Self Care

In the lead up to World Mental Health Day (October 10th), you might be wondering what is the simplest step you can take to increase your mental wellbeing?
While there is no definitive answer, Self Care must surely be among the power players.

But what is Self Care?
It can take many forms: a long, hot bath; time with loved ones; an hour with a good book; an early night or a lie-in; a massage; a date night; eating well… the list is endless. But the concept behind them all is the very same: Self Care is when you consciously take time out for yourself and give time to something that gives you joy, fulfilment, inner peace…

Self Care is what recharges our batteries. It happens when we put some of our time, thought and energy into OURSELVES.

In generations past, Self Care was often considered a luxury, navel-gazing, spoiling yourself… usually commented upon with a negative tone…

But what makes that right? Times change and we learn more and more about what makes us tick; what helps us to keep going… Self Care is NOT a luxury, but a necessity.
How can it be wrong to look inward and seek to understand yourself better? How can it be wrong to care for the only body and mind you will get in this lifetime? How can it be wrong to reward yourself for a job well done or a day survived?

We are always improving and developing on the teachings of our forefathers… there is no shame in moving on from outdated thoughts and caring for yourself to the best of your ability.

Tomorrow is a new day… how will you care for yourself?

Contact Sage Counsel: 086-8539718