Tip 10: Talk

Today is World Mental Health Day and the last of my 10-tip series.
Today, I would like to encourage people to talk to each other. If you’re feeling low, anxious or under pressure. If you need to feel heard: Talk.

Human connections make us feel part of something. Without them, we feel alone, and we are NOT solitary creatures. We do not do well in isolation. So choose a person, whether a professional or just someone you get a good vibe from… and communicate.

Race, gender, age, orientation, economic or spiritual background… none of this matters. We are ALL just doing our best. Sometimes we need a little help, and when you find yourself in that place, reach out.

If you know what to look for, you may see invitations all around you: green ribbon badges, black dog badges, semi-colons ( ; ), a person speaking openly about their own mental health struggles… If you know what to look for you will be able to identify the people who are open and willing to listen; who are INVITING you to talk…

And if someone chooses YOU to talk to, please try to listen… without judgement. Listen without trying to work out what you’re going to say next. Listen without fear. Just give your attention.

We don’t have to fix each other. We don’t have to try to bear someone else’s burden. We don’t have to DO anything. Just BE there. BE present.

If you are in need of what I do, please get in touch.

Contact Sage Counsel: 086-8539718 sagecounsel@outlook.com