Online Counselling

As a direct result of the outbreak of Coronavirus, Sage Counsel has taken significant steps to ensure that the services would continue with every regard for client safety and wellbeing while minimising disruption to the therapeutic process. Extensive work has been done to ensure adherence to the highest code of ethics as outlined by the IACP and to protect clients’ confidentiality and information in compliance with strict GDPR requirements.

Online counselling makes therapy accessible to all; regardless of geographical location, physical ability and transportation constraints. A 50-minute session takes just that; with no time lost getting to and from the appointment. Some clients can experience anxiety around the newness of therapy, the therapist, and the counselling location/space. If your home is a safe space for you, that automatically eliminates one of these sources of agitation. If your home is not a safe space for you, Sage Counsel can discuss other ways to conduct sessions that would be more appropriate for you.

Counselling is currently offered online through the Zoom platform. Zoom is an online meeting host provider using 256-bit TLS end-to-end encryption. All shared content can be encrypted using AES-256 encryption. Zoom is fully GDPR and HIPAA compliant. Zoom’s solution and security architecture provides encryption and meeting access controls so data in transit cannot be intercepted. Zoom does not have access to identifiable health information and protects and encrypts all audio, video, and screen sharing data. For further information about Zoom security, please refer to

Zoom is entirely confidential, meaning that it requires no client data whatsoever to set up meeting rooms. Sage Counsel will email you a unique link to a password-protected meeting room specifically for the day and time of your arranged appointment.

There are some important considerations to bear in mind regarding online counselling:

  • It is important that you are relatively comfortable with technology, be it a PC, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Your therapist can guide you through the Zoom process, so familiarity with that is not essential. You will not need the Zoom app.
  • It is important that you have your own, private email address which is not likely to be checked by someone other than yourself. Sage Counsel sends resources, with your consent, before or after sessions to support your process.
  • It is important that you have access to a private space where you can attend your online session; that you cannot be easily overheard and that you are unlikely to be interrupted unless in the case of an emergency. Headphones are helpful, but not essential.
  • It is important that your internet access is stable and secure; that you are using a private, password-protected WiFi network. Sage Counsel does not recommend using public WiFi spots, as the connection could be intercepted.

If you are in suicidal crisis, online counselling might not be best suited to your needs. In this case, Sage Counsel can explore more appropriate options with you.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding therapy in general, or online counselling specifically, please contact Sage Counsel to discuss further.