
  • General Counselling & Therapy
  • Life Coaching
  • Couples ‘Relationship Drift’ Workshop
  • When Panic Attacks
  • Post-Natal Depression – Survive & Thrive
  • Pregnancy Loss for Individuals or Couples

If cost is preventing you from accessing support, please contact me directly to discuss this. There a limited number of low-cost spaces available.

General Counselling & Therapy

Tailored support for individuals experiencing:

  • anxiety and chronic worry
  • stress
  • depression
  • low confidence, low self-worth, low motivation
  • stuck-in-a-rut
  • identity crisis
  • loss of motivation
  • grief
  • trauma
  • self-harm
  • suicidal thoughts or intent
  • past events affecting the present
  • relationship difficulties
  • sexual and intimacy issues
  • gender identity and sexuality issues
  • addiction issues
  • eating disorders
  • sexual assault or rape
  • emotional abuse
  • …and much more.

Cost €50 per hourly session

Life Coaching

What do you want from life? What does happiness look like for you? Are you fed up of stop-starts? Do you need support to achieve your goals?

Life Coaching helps you to identify and define goals, set targets, monitor progress, motivate you and keep you on track.

You choose the destination, together we plan the trip.

Cost €50 per hourly session (number of sessions confirmed at the first appointment)

Couples ‘Relationship Drift’ Workshop

Life for a couple is busy: whether you are managing careers, children, finances, family, social lives. It is normal to become overwhelmed sometimes. It is also normal to start functioning as two individuals as a way of being more efficient. But this is not likely to be the destiny you imagined for yourselves when you were starting out.

This Couples Workshop is a one-off session designed to tackle relationship drift. Together we explore your individual needs; your needs as a couple; your needs as a family/professionals etc. We establish healthy communication techniques to ensure you keep pulling in the same direction. We explore ways to nurture emotional and physical intimacy. We discuss ways for you to move forward together as a loving couple.

Cost €150 per 3hour workshop

When Panic Attacks

Rapid heartbeat. Sweating. Confusion. Hyperventilation. Nausea. Trembling. Numbness. Dizziness. Disorientation. Sense of foreboding. Problems sleeping. Affected eating patterns… These are just some of the symptoms of panic, anxiety or chronic worry.

But when it comes to anxiety and panic, information is power. While it may feel all-powerful and unbeatable, anxiety is created in the mind and therefore can be defeated by your mind. By focusing on the precise nature of your very individual experience of anxiety, we will build a tailor-made toolkit of preventative techniques and attack-management strategies. With practice and heightened awareness, you can knock anxiety off its throne and retake control of your life.

Cost €50 per hourly session

Post-Natal Depression – Survive & Thrive

These sessions are tailored for mothers and/or fathers living with post-natal depression. Learn more about each other’s unique experience. Establish healthy ways to communicate. You are not alone. Discover ways to survive and thrive together.

Cost €50 (individuals) or €60 (couple) per hourly session

Pregnancy Loss for Individuals or Couples

During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the parents-to-be tend to keep their joyous news to themselves. This is the highest risk period with 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in loss. Having not initially shared the joyous news, it is common for parents to suffer their loss alone.

Terrified parents attend a scan fearing the worst. Unfortunately, when that does happen, they leave the hospital feeling so many things they have likely never imagined: hollow, rage, devastation, bitterness, confusion, and the horribly cruel shame and guilt. This is a time when people desperately need support to work through their feelings and thoughts and move forward together.

It is such a challenging time for a mother and father, who are both grieving in such different ways. Sage Counsel provides sessions to support either or both parents. I facilitate open and gentle communication and work with both perspectives of this lonely grief. I also help parents to work with anxiety and fear about future pregnancies. I strongly encourage fathers to engage in this support system.

Cost €50 (individuals) or €60 (couple) per hourly session